Our Leadership

Tim Barker

David Mimms

Chip Brackley

Alan Boyd

Beau Fields

Jason Moore

Less than 1% of Christian giving is used to minister to the poorest lost people in the world. ROI Ministry was founded to on the principle that God’s resources should be used as effectively as possible, to make the biggest lasting impact across the world, dollar for dollar. 

ROI Ministry identifies the Top 10 ministries that are doing the most for the kingdom of God, based on their impact per dollar, so that you know your where your charitable giving is going. By giving to one of our Top 10 Ministries, you can know you’re making a difference. We don’t merely add value to your giving resources; we multiply them through you in ways that matter to God, you, and many others forever! We do this by being true to our established standards, which places the greatest emphasis on measurable, lasting impact per dollar.

Contact us today to become a fellow One Percenter who will joyfully invest God-entrusted resources into those areas with the greatest eROI! Our greatest desire is that one day you and many others will hear “Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share in your master’s happiness” (Matthew 25:21 & 23).

Learn more about the giving process

Listen to podcast interview with tim barker

Today, we’re joined by Tim Barker, founder and director of ROI Ministry, an organization that seeks to find the absolute most effective organizations per dollar that are doing kingdom-based work in provision of basic needs, evangelism, and discipleship. He shares his thoughts on how we as Christians should think about giving in order to be most effective ourselves. How responsible are we as Christians to give in the most effective ways possible? How should we divide our giving among things like basic food and water, evangelism, and long term discipleship? Listen now to hear Tim’s wisdom and insight on the subject. 

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