Of the millions of excellent ministry partnership opportunities to give to today, how do we choose? Henry Blackaby said, “Find out where God is doing great things and join Him there.” This is a great approach, as “the harvest is ripe, but the workers are few.” Jesus also taught us to “produce good and lasting fruit” 70+ times (in KJV), which gives us a basic blueprint for selecting effective ministries.

Utilizing numerous Christian ministry resources, ROI Ministry was able to identify our initial list of the top 10 most effective ministries. These ministries experience phenomenal reaping seasons of abundant lasting fruit. Notably, this usually occurs after decades of faithful plowing and planting seeds, and they are now reaping a great harvest; we offer these Top 10 kingdom investment opportunities freely to you.

ROI Ministry operates similar to a wealth manager who is familiar with the overall market as they look for great business investment opportunities that provide you with the greatest return on your investment (ROI). Granted, a good wealth manager charges a percentage for directing you to these great opportunities. But ROI Ministry identifies ministries as investment opportunities, and our Board gladly covers all the cost. This means that every dime given through ROI Ministry flows straight to the ten incredible ministries! These ministry investment opportunities offer you an excellent kingdom investment opportunity with eternally rewarding returns on investment. We call this eROI (eternal – return on investment), investments that moth, rust, and market fluctuations can never destroy!

Thanks to the National Christian Foundation (NCF), which has graciously provided ten giving accounts to ROI Ministry, we can freely give this valuable giving tool to you. Your gift is allocated directly to the most fruitful area of a particular Top 10 Ministry when you utilize the ROI Ministry NCF Top 10 giving tool. Many of our Top 10 Ministries only focus on one niche. However, a few of the Top 10 ministries do several things well, and only one ministry area that is incurring the greatest harvest is chosen, vetted, and promoted on our Top 10 list. The ROI Ministry Top 10 NCF giving fund provides us the ability to direct your gift to the area of the ministry that we promote on our Top 10 list. NCF will also provide you with your tax-deductible receipt, which is another reason that ROI Ministry does not have to charge any handling or advertising fees, ensuring an unbiased ministry selection approach.

We don’t merely add value to your giving resources; we multiply them through you in ways that matter to God, you, and many others forever! We do this by being true to our established standards, which places the greatest emphasis on measurable, lasting impact per dollar. Contact us today to become a fellow One Percenter who will joyfully invest God-entrusted resources into those areas with the greatest eROI! Our greatest desire is that one day you and many others will hear “Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share in your master’s happiness” (Matthew 25:21 & 23).

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